Departure and arrival times are set as 08:00 -11:00 and 15:00-21:00 accordingly.

Check-out time until 18:00, 50% of the room price will be charged. After 18:00, 100% of the room price will be charged.

Children up to 2 years of age are free of charge in baby cots upon request.

It is the guest’s obligation to inform the hotel management for any damage, and/or default in the rooms.

Pets are allowed in the hotel upon request. It is the owner’s obligation to clean up after their pet, as well as to ensure the safety and not to disturb others on the property. In public areas, pets should be in special pet cages and/ or leash. Any damages made by pets will be charged to the owner.

Credit cards are pre-authorized prior to the arrival dates, and are safeguarded. Credit cards are not charged prior to the guest’s arrival.Pre-authorized credit cards are used only in case of cancellation, modification and/or no-show. It is the hotels’ obligation to safeguard personal information. Please note that for nonrefundable reservations the full amount is charged to the credit card provided when the reservation is made.

For validating a reservation, a deposit 25% of the total amount is required as a prepayment. If the reservation is for a period less than two (2) nights, the total amount is required.

Deposit can also be made by bank transfer. In this case, please provide us with the name under which the reservation has been made.

For cancellation of reservations up to seven (7) days prior to the arrival date, no charge will be applied. If cancelled or modified later, fifty percent (50%) of the total amount due will be charged. If cancelled on the date of arrival and/or no-show, the total amount of the accommodation period will be charged. Please note that the cancellation policy does not apply to nonrefundable prices.